Thursday, May 21, 2009

Running hot in live play

I haven't been updating regularly but I'll try to catch up on the last three weeks. I have played very little online lately, getting pretty deep in FTOPs event #1 and another $10 MTT at the same time. I ended up getting a pretty bad beat in the FTOPs and only min-cashed the other one, a bit disappointing. Cash games online were still a rollercoaster with ups and downs; too bad the downs were greater than the ups. Live was a different story.
I hadn't played Palomar Card Club in San Diego since the first month I lived here two years ago. I decided to give it another try and ran like fire cashing out $2500 profit from the $5-10 in a few hours. There were some very interesting hands that I posted on 2+2, maybe I'll include some links at the end.
Last weekend we started a new season of the Manhole poker league (where I won my WSOP seat). There were a few new players but none of them seemed strong enough to make a run at the top spots. A few highlights: New guy chuck has a 12inch tall black and white skeleton candlestick for a card protector. New guy Old-dude called all in on the flop with Q10 on a Q22 board and sucked out on AA....he defended his play to me "I had to call, I had two live outs." WTF?
Monday I caddied for Danny in an amateur golf tournament qualifier. He played pretty well but fell apart on the back nine and missed qualifying by a few strokes. That night we went back to Palomar and played some poker. Before I even got my chips I was in a hand with Sweatpants dude when a blatant angle shot was thrown my way. I had the nut flush draw on the turn and called his small bet, river made the flush but paired a jack on the board. I had $15 in chips in front of me and $500 behind that had not been delivered yet. Sweatpants says "Bet I will call anything you bet." I put my three $5 chips in and say $100. He puts some chips in and tables his hand trip Jacks, I table my nut flush and the dealer tries to get him to call the rest of the $100 he owes. He says he never said call and screams for the floor, the dealer assures me she will get it taken care of. The floor agrees with Sweatpants and I don't get any $$ from a river bet. Karma is on my side and I stack his ass when QQ holds up to AK all in preflop a few hands later!
Danny doesn't have a great session and quits after a while. He sweats me for the last hour and I go card dead and we put a 30min deadline on departure. Danny tells me "you are going to double up with aces." I shit you not two hands later I get two red aces and raise UTG. Flop comes out 10 6 4 two diamonds, I bet $125 and get check raised all in for $830 more. There were two things that made me call: The villain was getting all in super light for the last hour, (all in preflop for $400+ with 88), and Danny's comment was ringing in my ears. How can I double up if I fold? I call and he doesn't show...who know if he even had a draw.
After that I get a couple more good hands and as I am racking up I play one more interesting one. I get 33 in early position. I limp-call a raise from a young aggressive player, (prob 2+2er), and the flop comes 8 9 10 two spades, check, check. Turn is 3c and I bet $125, he calls. River is a 10, and I think for a while before betting $385. This player had earlier asked me if anyone ever told me I look like Durrr (happens almost every session since Durrr got TV time), I think that was in my head when I cam up with the river bet. I would normally bet $250 into a $350 pot here to get paid off, instead I thought the overbet would look bluffy like a missed straight draw and get paid off. He tanked for a while and said "why $385...because you want it to look like a bluff and you really have 9s full?" he waited a bit longer and folded. He wanted to see my hand for $5 and I told him one card, when he saw the three he looked super disappointed and said he folded the best hand, (he didn't see the three on board). I'm pretty sure he folded A10, I what bet he would call on the river. Usually there is a max bet he would this case I think he would snap call anything under $300 and I think there is a possibility that if I bet closer to $450 he might have called.
I'm going to Vegas to see some buddies and donk it up in some 1-2NL, I'm going to experiment with the overbet some more. Lets see if the heater continues!!

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